What a fascinating musical journey! You created an exciting, playful, determined, and captivating arrangement. I tried to imagine the story but in my mind, it was more of a constantly changing palette of colors. Thank you for this gift. ❤️

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The BLEND, both compositionally and they way your touch perfectly complimented the pipa, was, as Aranha says below, "incrivel!" I wonder how many Western cats could pull this off... I loved hearing that big quartal open string pipa chord against, but not against, your harmony (thank you for not taking the obvious McCoy Tyner route, not that I don't love him! :o). Also your solo section, which I imagine was the passing of the storm? was lovely. And I've heard a lot of wicked pipa pickers but QXH has got to be the baaddest. Whoa... 11 minutes felt like 15 seconds.

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wooowww!!! incrivel!!!

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