I hope you are doing well with the crazy weather patterns we are experiencing here in the northern half of the world. Remember that the other half of our very small planet is experiencing powerful heat waves and disastrous floods, while very small-minded and small-hearted humans in some places still think that it is a good idea to engage in wars for profit and power.
I cannot suggest any mega solutions for our planetary issues - they are well above my pay rate - but I can tell you for sure that we all need some healing. Music is often ignored as Medicine because it's invisible, but so is Gravity, yet we all take the latter very seriously.
Harmony and balance are the same, whether in worldly affairs, music or in human interactions. Musical Harmony is like Gravity in terms of attraction and repulsion, balance and context. However, it does not depend on mass, which makes it much more powerful.
Case in point:
Here is an opportunity to hear the sounds of harmony, balance and groove created spontaneously by humans this Saturday, January 27 at 8PM (Pacific): The Jovino Santos Neto Quarteto, featuring Ben Thomas (vibraphone, bandoneon), Tim Carey (bass) and Mark Ivester (drums), plus myself on piano and percussion, will be performing original compositions and arrangements in person at a newly renovated house of music: Boxley's, located near the Cascade Mountains in North Bend, WA.
The good news is that you do need your mountain-climbing gear to see and hear us, because all performances at Boxley's are livestreamed for free. You will hear why our music has no lyrics - you create your own each time you listen.
Regardless of which hemisphere you are on, take some time to join us and let the Power of Music do its healing work on the world and its inhabitants. Imagine all the people...
Thanks for your constant support of my work!
Thanks for sharing the link to the livestream of your sets at Boxley’s. That new, nameless xote really caught my attention. And that was one of finest versions of “Campinas” I’ve heard. Loved how a couple of bars of “Girl from Ipanema” worked their way into your solo. You’ve got a fine band.
Yes, music is medicine! Delighted to hear your show this Saturday will be live streamed, look forward to tuning in!